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The BrainRx program is individual and intense workouts consisting of fun exercises of different levels and modifications

Individual training with a trainer according to an individually tailored program.
The BrainRx method is based on research and has already helped more than 100,000 people around the world achieve positive results.
The training program raises the level of cognitive skills by an average of 15 to 20 percentage points.

BrainRx Method

The BrainRx method used in our centers is one of the most effective in the world. BrainRx is based on one of the most important studies of intelligence, Cattell-Horn-Carroll, which asserts that thinking consists of 7 basic cognitive skills: attention, speed of information processing, working memory, long-term memory, logic and judgment, processing of auditory information and processing of visual information. This method was developed in the United States in 1985 by Dr. Ken Gibson.

In the Braingym Center for Cognitive Skills Training, the following skills are developed and strengthened during training:


It is a skill that allows you to focus on a specific task for a certain period of time.

Speed of information processing

It is a skill that shows how quickly the brain accepts and understands incoming information.

Long-term memory

It is a skill needed to store and store information so that it can be applied in the future.

Working memory

It is a skill that is only responsible for a certain period of time required to complete a task.

Logic and solutions

It is a skill that includes the ability to think critically, analyze information and find solutions to complex problems.

Auditory information processing

It is a skill that is responsible for the way in which the information obtained through sound and reading is understood and assimilated.

Processing of visual information

It is the skill responsible for the way in which the information obtained through the image is understood and assimilated and the ability to raise images in the subconscious (visualize).

Who are Braingym workouts suitable for?

The Gibson test, conducted at the Braingym Center, determines the level of attention, working memory, long-term memory, speed of information processing, visual and auditory information processing, and logic and decision skills.

For those seeking better academic results

Intense training for the brain strengthens the skills of absorbing information and creates opportunities for the acquisition and memorization of new information. Effective cognitive training gives children the opportunity to learn better, faster and easier.

For those with developmental disorders

ADHD/ADD, autism spectrum disorders and other developmental and intellectual disabilities often cause children difficulties in school and challenges in everyday life. The BrainRX method alleviates the symptoms of these and other disorders and improves the quality of life.

For those who seek quality intellectual training

The results of children who train at the Braingym Center show not only enhanced cognitive abilities, but also increased IQ (the results rise by about 15 standard points). Obvious changes are visible on the Gibson Cognitive Skills Test before and after the training program.

How are we different from a tutor?

The tutor provides the child with information that was not absorbed during the lessons or was presented with poor quality. Additional lessons with a tutor are effective when the child is able to effectively absorb information. If it is difficult to process information or concentrate, repeating the information with a tutor is not an effective way to solve the problem.

When difficulties are caused by the learning process itself, weakened cognitive skills are usually to blame for this. The BrainRx program develops the ability to absorb information and solve tasks, i.e. helps the child to independently be able to learn effectively without additional help.

The effectiveness of the program has been confirmed by scientific research

The BrainRx methodology used in Braingym centers has been continuously improved since 1985.
Worldwide, more than 150,000 positive clients have already achieved positive results, some of whom are people with neurological disorders.
The BrainRx method is based on the Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory, which is one of the most important research theories in the field of intelligence.
The BrainRx program is tested according to scientific methodology of the highest standards. The results of the program are evaluated according to the Woodcock—Johnson test, when the processes of brain activity before and after the program are compared.


Useful information for parents who want to learn more about developing cognitive skills

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