Back to school with Braingym.
2000+happy customers

BrainRx is an individual training program that develops 7 key cognitive skills

The Gibson test, conducted at the Braingym Center, determines the level of attention, working memory, long-term memory, speed of information processing, visual and auditory information processing, and logic and decision skills.
The research-based BrainRx Personal Training Program consists of playable exercises for the brain, making it easy for children to engage in activities throughout the program.
The BrainRx method helps those who experience difficulties both due to developmental disorders and those who seek better academic performance and quality intellectual training.
It was difficult for my son to maintain attention in classes, to concentrate, he was constantly distracted. All this responded to the learning outcomes. Having accidentally found out about the center for cognitivism, I turned to specialists for help. Recommended his son to undergo a test, the results of which showed cognitive areas to be improved. After several months of intensive intellectual training, the son's learning performance began to improve, motivation to learn appeared, little by little self-confidence appeared. I am grateful to the specialists of this center who professionally know how to work with children and motivate them to achieve their goals.
Solveiga Dargyte
1 year ago

Who are Braingym workouts suitable for?

The Gibson test, conducted at the Braingym Center, determines the level of attention, working memory, long-term memory, speed of information processing, visual and auditory information processing, and logic and decision skills.

For those seeking better academic results

Intense training for the brain strengthens the skills of absorbing information and creates opportunities for the acquisition and memorization of new information. Effective cognitive training gives children the opportunity to learn better, faster and easier.

For those with developmental disorders

ADHD/ADD, autism spectrum disorders and other developmental and intellectual disabilities often cause children difficulties in school and challenges in everyday life. The BrainRx method alleviates the symptoms of these and other disorders and improves the quality of life.

For those who seek quality intellectual training

The results of children who train at the Braingym Center show not only enhanced cognitive abilities, but also increased IQ (the results rise by about 15 standard points). Obvious changes are visible on the Gibson Cognitive Skills Test before and after the training program.

How do hookups happen?

Training at the Braingym Center does not provide children with academic knowledge, but strengthens cognitive skills - learning tools.

Braingym centers in Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda are the first and only centers in the Baltic States to operate according to one of the most effective brain training methods in the world, BrainRx. The essence of the method is individual work with a certified trainer, interesting and game-like exercises for the brain and long-term results.

3 Steps to Stronger Cognitive Skills

2-5 min

Sign up for a free consultation

Contact us and the Braingym Center specialists will answer your questions and tell you in detail about our BrainRX training program and how we can help you.
1 hour

Take the Gibson test

The Gibson test determines the level of each of the 7 basic cognitive skills individually according to the age equivalent. After completing the test, an appropriate time is set for a detailed consultation, during which the evaluation of the test results gives specific recommendations and possible suggestions for training programs, if appropriate.

Start an individual training program

The training program is tailored to each child individually according to the results of the Gibson test performed, focusing on strengthening weakened abilities, but also developing other cognitive skills. At the end of the training program, a repeated Gibson test is carried out, thus it is possible to objectively evaluate the results achieved by the child.

Testimonials about us

Opinions and feedback from our customers about Braingym
Atlikome sūnui Gibsono kognityvinių įgūdžių testą, turėdami tam tikrų nuogastavimų, kad sūnui sunkiau sekasi tam tikri dalykai tiek mokykloje, tiek gyvenime. Buvome nustebinti, kaip tiksliai testas atspindėjo vaiko situaciją. Esame labai dėkingi Justinai už konsultaciją. Gavome įrankius, ką daryti toliau. Rekomenduojame!
Justė Strups
February 10, 2024
Nusprendžiau atlikti vaikui Gibson testą prieš pirmąją klasę, kadangi nerimavau ir turėjom šiokių tokių nuogąstavimų. Vaiko kalba ir suvokimas atsiliko nuo bendraamžių. Konsultacijos metu gavom atsakymus į visus nuogąstavimus ir labai daug naudingos informacijos apie savo vaiką - kaip jis mąsto, kaip dirba jo smegenys, be to, žinom su kokiais sunkumais galim susidurti mokykloje ir kokie sprendimai būtų galimi. Testas parodė kurios vaiko stipriosios ir silpnosios pusės, sužinojom kurias sritis reikėtų tobulinti. Dėkoju Justinai už konsultaciją ir tikrai rekomenduoju kitiems tėvams padaryti vaikams šį testą.
Rusnė Zorkutė
January 10, 2024
Laiko patikrintas metodas, profesionalų patirtis ir nuostabi komanda, kuri man padėjo visiškai kitom akim suvokt savo gebėjimus, stiprybes ir tas vietas, su kuriomis reikia dirbti (ir kaip reikia dirbti). Komanda skiria išskirtinį dėmesį kiekvienam klientui ir smagu matyti, kokie užsidegę ir laimingi vaikai dirba su treneriais. Pačios nuoširdžiausios rekomendacijos ieškantiems sprendimų, kaip tobulinti savo įgūdžius ir įveikti mokymosi/darbinės veiklos sunkumus.
Rosita Jurevičienė
September 10, 2023


Useful information for parents who want to learn more about developing cognitive skills

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