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Long-term memory

Long-term memory allows you to retain and remember acquired knowledge, experiences and skills acquired over a period of time. Long-term memory is responsible for storing information for days, weeks, months, or even a lifetime. The main characteristics, functions and types of long-term memory:
The ultimate memory stores a very large amount of information: facts, concepts, events, personal experiences and acquired abilities.
Long-term memory has an unlimited capacity, so it is able to store a large and varied amount of information.
The type of episodic long-term memory refers to specific events and personal experiences, including details of when and where these events occurred.
Semantic long-term memory includes general knowledge of the world, concepts, facts, and vocabulary.
Procedural long-term memory stores information about how to perform various tasks, such as riding a bicycle, playing a musical instrument.
Declarative long-term memory includes episodic and semantic memory, which includes conscious recollection of facts and events.
Information is transferred to long-term memory through encoding processes such as repetition, detailing, and organization. Retrieval involves remembering stored information and using it when needed.
Information in long-term memory is often organized into schemas or mental structures that help to effectively categorize and retrieve knowledge.

Why is it important to develop the skill of long-term memory? How does the Braingym training program help strengthen this skill?

Long-term memory is a dynamic and complex cognitive system on which the ability to learn and perceive the world is based. The skill of long-term memory is very important for better academic performance, as it allows you to remember previously processed information, which is very important during tests, exams. The ability to retrieve information from long-term memory is important for critical thinking and assessment of situations based on previous knowledge and experience. In Braingym training, the long-term memory skill is strengthened through the use of interval repetition, in which information is reviewed and repeated at increasing intervals over a period of time. During the program, children are trained in the ability to create associations and visualizations to improve the encoding and retrieval of long-term memory information.

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If your child is experiencing difficulties due to impaired development, intelligence or other disorders, sign up for a free consultation and our specialists will provide you with information on how the Braingym individual training program can help you overcome them.
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