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Dyslexia, reading difficulties

Dyslexia is a learning disorder that causes difficulties in reading and writing. It is a neurological disorder that occurs due to genetic and environmental factors. Dyslexia is a cognitive disorder that is not related to intelligence. Reading difficulties are not equivalent to dyslexia, they can occur due to impaired auditory and visual information processing skills.
The most common symptoms of dyslexia in children: late speech, difficulty distinguishing left and right sides, incomprehension of directions, flipping letters, words. It is difficult for children to read quickly, pronounce words in their minds. Also, it is difficult to perceive what is being said or understood when others are reading.
Children with dyslexia find it difficult to learn foreign languages, remember the texts they read and retell them. With dyslexia, it can be difficult to feel rhyme in words, learn and memorize the letters of the alphabet.
Dyslexia affects a child's ability to recognize very simple words (e.g., the word,, and”)
Many children with dyslexic disorder experience a constant feeling of frustration in reading and writing tasks, which leads to feelings of anxiety, constant stress at school.
Many children with dyslexic disorder experience a constant feeling of frustration in reading and writing tasks, which leads to feelings of anxiety, constant stress at school.
It is mistakenly believed that dyslexia will pass with time or that this disorder is due to children's reluctance to read. Dyslexia is an involuntary disorder - children want to read, but because of a neurological disorder, they fail to do so or succeed with great difficulty.

How can Braingym workouts help children with dyslexia or reading difficulties?

It is very important that after identifying signs of dyslexia, parents or teachers turn to qualified professionals for a dyslexia test. Appropriate and timely assistance, special, innovative methodologies and programs can significantly improve children's reading and writing skills. Braingym cognitive skills training strengthens auditory information processing and other skills that are directly related to children's ability to read. The individually tailored program effectively helps children overcome dyslexia and other reading difficulties.

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If your child is experiencing learning or other difficulties, contact us to learn more about how the BrainRX method and individual training program helps children strengthen cognitive skills.

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